Picking up the Sword Again

After I said good night to my mother, she asked me if I still prayed the Rosary, to which I responded that I hadn’t due to my mind wandering to less than Holy places during the Rosary, and that the regular prayer is more intimate and helpful to me. But she suggested that I take it up again because it’s not about me, but it’s because God wants us to.

In my prayers, I’ve always asked to be a good man in God’s eyes, and when I wasn’t, to guide me back to being one through whatever means. And in one way or another, God provides me with an opportunity, sometimes, I’m wise enough to see it, other times, I’m not.

So after this hiatus, I think I will pray the Rosary tonight, I do need to find ways to follow Christ and become closer to Him. If I can just focus on that, and use all of my skills to maintain that focus, I should be able to not wonder into sinful things.

I’ve always liked the Rosary, and even though I have a necklace version of it, I have always maintained the idea that it’s a tool, not a piece of jewelry, utilized for strength, courage, need, balance, and overall faith-building… Heh, all of the things that I’d like present in my own life.

If I really think about it, I have a lot of things to pray for, in nearly all areas and levels in my life, and yet, at the same time, I would feel somewhat guilty praying for myself. I’m not praying for anything petty, like money or fame, I’ve prayed for forgiveness, strength, courage, wisdom, and not just for me, but for my family and friends as well.

Maybe tonight, this is what I should pray for: Clarity. The clarity to see my faults and to fix them, not just for my sake, but so that I can be the best man that I can be.

14 comments on “Picking up the Sword Again

  1. Whether you say the rosary or not, one can easily deduce that you’re a good and kind soul. I attended Catholic School in my younger years and we often had to pray the rosary. I remember passing out once or twice when we prayed outside on extremely hot days.

    • red1263 says:

      I thank you for your kind words. I’ve always gone to public school so it’s a different perspective to tell other people that I pray the Rosary and do this and that.

      • It’s your perspective and that’s what makes it so very unique. I would think praying the Rosary is an exercise regimen for heart and soul…
        And that’s not a bad thing at all πŸ™‚

      • red1263 says:

        It is, and it’s not an easy one, at that. But I’ve been saying to myself, “Suffer in the name of the Lord.” not in a demeaning manner, but as in “You should be glad that you’re suffering to bring yourself closer to God.” it’s just easier and funnier to say it like that.

      • Me along with 5 other sibs were raised Catholic by fair-minded 100% Italian parents. My father, Vito (former FBI agent), was quite an intimidating patriarch – in my household never was a toe put out of line – you went to Mass, you prayed and you hoped you never did anything wrong πŸ™‚

      • red1263 says:

        I was raised Catholic myself, but my parents only enforced going to church, grace before meals, and occasionally praying as a family for particular reasons. Whenever we went out of line, my father would “reset” our brains by hitting the back of our heads πŸ˜›

      • My dad never even smacked our hands and he was still intimidating. As a substitute teacher, I think about his ‘amazing presence’ often and wish I had a smidgen of that charisma. I have to settle for wearing higher heels and trying to walk into a class at 6′ tall. πŸ™‚
        Your parents sound very involved and caring about the children they raised. And I think, from all that I’ve read – they did most things right πŸ™‚
        Happy Friday!

      • red1263 says:

        Happy Friday to you as well! Well, most of the time, he hit us out of love (as he said :P) But my father had a commanding presence, but I never really feared him in my older years.
        And Yes, my parents care about us very deeply, now it’s up to us (my siblings and myself) to express this to the rest of the world.

      • Beautiful – I hope my daughter and son, think of ‘their’ parents this way in later years πŸ™‚

      • red1263 says:

        Well, as a parent, all you can do is show them love, it’s going to be difficult to hear, but it’s up to them how to react to your love. I was fortunate enough to understand the idea that my parents weren’t going to live much longer, so I chose to spend more time with them, eventually my father passed, and I have little regret in his passing, I loved him and honored him in the ways that I thought was right, and it was easier for me to move on. Love is how we connect with those around us.

      • What beautiful thoughts – πŸ™‚
        To this day, I hold my parents dear to my heart. I’m fortunate they are both still here, and I do cherish these times…

      • red1263 says:

        That’s good, keep cherishing them, and say anything that you’ve kept hidden within your heart, otherwise you’ll never get another chance, believe me, I know. Also do the same for your children, let them know how you feel about them, and above all, love them, in the end, that’s all you can do for someone else.

      • Thank you – wonderful sage wisdom.
        We do lots of hugging in my family. I even make sure my son and daughter always say hello and goodbye to each other – though they are at those ages where they madden each other at times πŸ™‚
        Happy Week!

      • red1263 says:

        Ha ha ha, Brothers and sisters, that’s just a natural part of life, but eventually, they’ll learn to work together if not tolerate each other enough to work together πŸ˜› We don’t really hug much in my family, but the love is definitely there, of this I have no doubt.

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